Top Dublin Agriculture Companies (3)
Today, in our world, magnetic technologies are now universally used to charge, fuel & feed the planet. From Tesla Electric cars, magnetic levitation trains to MRI machines in the medical space. In this rapidly changing world, we too are changing & evolving. At the heart of this evolution lies our unrelenting pursuit of science-led, technology developments. To mark this evolution we thought it only fitting to reinforce this in our name & identity. MagGrow is now MagrowTec. A world class science-based technology brand that is a pioneer in spraying innovation. A pioneer in making more of less. As leaders in the industry, we speak with bravery, certainty, and clarity, bringing innovative thinking, understanding & commitment, while turning problems into opportunities. We dare to challenge the way things are, to reimagine and reinvent the way things could be. We always back up our ideas with evidence-based proof. We live in an amazing world. A world filled with Nature’s bounty. And yet we struggle to answer a question that has plagued humankind since time began: How can our tiny Earth provide enough for all? According to the UN, the world will need the same amount of food in the next 40 years than the last 10,000 years combined. At Magrowtec our mission is to find better spraying solutions for producing more; while wasting less. More food, less chemicals. More crops, less damage. More profit, less waste. In short, more solution, less problem. Through our technology, we have only started pushing the boundaries of doing more, with less. Every day we dream of finding new ways to solve that riddle. New ways to create more of that bountiful plenty. While making sense for everyone. For the farmers who grow the food. For the people who eat it. And for the land that gives it life. We have devoted ourselves to a scienced-based technological solution to solving this riddle. Our technology, when applied to spraying, is as life-changing as it is game-changing
We are driving the future of animal health through technology that enables the agriculture industry to target treatment based on rapid, on-site diagnostics. Helping maximise yield and reduce costs all whilst helping to reduce environmental impact
Wearable technology for cattle. Moocall is an agri-tech company that has created two unique devices for livestock farmers to use in their herd. The first was a sensor that you strap to a pregnant cows tail, the cow will then send the farmer an SMS two hours, and one hour prior to giving birth. This has proven to both free up farmers time and also increase live births and farm profitability. The latest is a heat detection system for cows and heifers. It comes in two parts - an electronic collar designed to be worn by a bull, and a specially designed Moocall RFID ear tag to be worn by each of the cows. The system then alerts the farmer when the cow enters a standing heat and from there the farmer can tell the best time for her to be submitted for Artificial Insemination
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